Wolverine, O Musical


Finalmente, Hugh Jackman resolveu juntar dois dos seus maiores papéis para nosso divertimento: no The Matt Edmondson Show da BBC Radio 1, o ator australiano cantou uma paródia de “Who Am I?” de “Os Miseráveis” da perspetiva do antiherói atormentado, Wolverine, dos “X-Men”.



“Who am I? Am I a superhero with some claws?
Or just an actor searching for applause?
Wolverine has all the fans!
But what about me? Hugh JackMan? Who am I?
I play the wolf man–yes, it’s quite the task–in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
(There’s a plug!)
I’m at the gym doing weights each day.
Hugh has got to look buff they say!
Must I lie? I cannot eat this ice cream anymore.
I need a body people can adore.
I gave up junk food, that I know.
I made that bargain long ago.
And all my snacks, and crisps are gone,
And now this Wolverine can go on!
Who am I? Who am I? I’m Wolverine!
And so my friend, you see it’s true!
I am an X-Man who isn’t blue.
Who am I? I’m Wolverine!”

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