Figura de Estilo | Alicia Keys por Quentin De Briey

Alicia Keys conversa com a jornalista Hanna Hanra sobre maternidade, o seu esforço para não usar maquilhagem e a sua carreira no mundo da música na nova edição da revista The Edit.

Mãe de dois rapazes, a mentora do The Voice não quer que os filhos cresçam com atitudes machistas.

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Alicia Keys explica o porquê:

“Have you watched Snow White lately? I get real funky about the classics; I don’t like [my sons] watching it. It’s totally sexist, misogynistic – she’s cleaning for seven dwarfs. There’s nothing wrong with a woman who chooses to stay at home with her family, it’s a hard-ass job, but it’s the way it’s spoken about.”

A cantora é uma das juradas da 11ª edição do programa The Voice, sendo esta a sua primeira temporada.

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Quentin De Briey foi o fotógrafo escolhido para a produção fotográfica. Ao posar para a capa da revista, sem maquilhagem, Alicia Keys revela a dificuldade que teve em manter-se na ribalta e em comparecer em eventos sem assistência de cosméticos:

“When you’re first figuring yourself out, you care so much about what people think of you,” says Keys of what led her to the decision. “It’s the worst time. You become introverted and weird because you’re second-guessing yourself; you want to be everything that other people want you to be. Then you become cloaked in this societal bull**** that’s plonked in your lap and you spend the rest of your time digging yourself out. And that’s my conclusion for life.”

Quanto à sua carreira, Keys afirma:

“The common denominator is the way people feel after they’ve heard my music,” says Keys. “I feel like there’s this raw, honest conversation attached to the album that people are going to relate to. I think it’s going to give them something they didn’t know was missing. It’s an important album for me.”

The Edit Magazine, Novembro de 2016, por Quentin De Briey

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