E o Óscar da melhor Quote vai para…?


Perdido em Marte? The Revenant: O Renascido? O Caso Spotlight? Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria? Qual dos nomeados aos Óscares de 2016 terá a melhor frase? A melhor expressão que resume e caracteriza o filme? 

Não são só as interpretações dos atores, o trabalho da produção ou o argumento que temos de destacar nos filmes. A capacidade que as longas-metragens têm para salientar lições de vida, bem como a habilidade de sublinhar determinados momentos com frases de ouro também são fundamentais. Diversas vezes são os discursos que marcam e tornam famosa uma saga. Por exemplo, basta alguém dizer “I’ll be back” que associamos quase de imediato a Exterminador Implacável.

Desta forma, a Magazine.HD reuni as melhores frases dos nomeados aos Óscares 2016. Não estão todos os indicados, mas estão representados os 20 filmes mais populares da temporada. Convém ainda referir que esta compilação é pessoal, logo estamos disponíveis para receber as vossas sugestões.

Lê também: Os Óscares 2016 em números


  • “If you’ve created a conscious machine, it’s not the history of man. It’s the history of Gods.” – Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson), Ex Machina


  • “Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.” – Tristeza (Phyllis Smith), Divertida-mente


  • “I should have said no to you. But I never say no. And it’s selfish because I take everything. Because I don’t know anything. I don’t know what I want. How could I if I just say yes to everything?” – Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara), Carol


  • “You know, hope is a mistake. If you can’t fix what’s broken, you’ll, uh… you’ll go insane.” – Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy), Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria


  • “You know what I hate about fucking banking? It reduces people to numbers. Here’s a number – every 1% unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die, did you know that?” – Ben Rickert (Brad Pitt), A Queda de Wall Street


  • “The boss isn’t always right, but he’s still the boss.” – Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), A Ponte dos Espiões


Consulta ainda: Óscares 2016 | Tudo em três minutos


  • “I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes… feel it… the light… its always been there… it will guide you. The saber, take it.” – Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong’o ), Star Wars: O Despertar da Força


  • “I love you, because you are the only person who made sense of me. And made me, possible.” – Einar Wegener (Eddie Redmayne), A Rapariga Dinamarquesa


  • “There are so many things out here. And sometimes it’s scary. But that’s ok. Because it’s still just you and me…” – Jack (Jacob Tremblay), Room


  • “You’ll feel so homesick that you’ll want to die, and there’s nothing you can do about it apart from endure it. But you will, and it won’t kill you… and one day the sun will come out and you’ll realize that this is where your life is.” – Eilis (Saoirse Ronan), Brooklyn


  • “Now, Daisy, I want us to work out a signal system of communication. When I elbow you real hard in the face, that means: shut up.” – John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth (Kurt Russell), Os Oito Odiados

Lê também: Audiências em Portugal | O que nos dizem sobre os óscares


  • “Musicians play their instruments. I play the orchestra.” – Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender), Steve Jobs


  • “If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse them.” – Mitchell Garabedian (Stanley Tucci), O Caso Spotlight


  • “I ain’t afraid to die anymore. I’d done it already.” – Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), The Revenant: O Renascido


  • “Hi, I’m Mark Watney and I’m still alive… obviously.” – Mark Watney (Matt Damon), Perdido em Marte


  • “You will not survive here, you are not a wolf. This is the land of wolves” – Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro), Sicario – Infiltrado

Consulta ainda: As melhores frases do cinema em 2015


  • “Our time is limited, we forget that.” – Michael Stone (David Thewlis), Anomalisa


  • “Don’t ever think that the world owes you anything, because it doesn’t. The world doesn’t owe you a thing.” – Joy (Jennifer Lawrence), Joy


  • “You say that emotions are overrated. But that’s bullshit. Emotions are all we’ve got.” – Mick Boyle (Harvey Keitel), A Juventude


  • “One step at a time. One punch at a time. One round at a time.” – Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), Creed: O Legado de Rocky


No entanto, não podemos deixar de mencionar:

  • “In the face of overwhelming odds, I’m left with only one option, I’m gonna have to science the shit out of this.” – Mark Watney (Matt Damon), Perdido em Marte


  • “Just when you think it can’t get any worse, you run out of cigarettes.” – Carol (Cate Blanchett), Carol


  • “Oh, what a day… what a lovely day!” – Nux (Nicholas Hoult), Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria


Qual é a melhor frase dos nomeados ao Óscar de Melhor Filme?

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